April 7, 2023
UCI Digest
Nighttime photo of Peter the Anteater above the entrance to the Student Center.
Nighttime photo of Peter the Anteater above the entrance to the Student Center. (Photo: Ian Parker)


UCI donors have big showing in OCBJ’s 2023 Giving List

UCI donors have big showing in OCBJ’s 2023 Giving List
Over 75 nonprofits are featured in the Orange County Business Journal’s 2023 Giving Guide, including more than 20 UCI-affiliated organizations that gave between $1 million and $35.5 million to charitable causes. The top UCI donor on the list, Paul and Jo Butterworth, came in fourth place with a pledge to provide support for students in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences. The second-largest donor was Joe C. Wen and Family, who donated $20 million to support the construction of the Joe C. Wen & Family Center for Advanced Care at UCI Health-Irvine.

UCI scholar signs letter of caution on artificial intelligence

Pierre Baldi, a Distinguished Professor of computer science in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences
In November 2022, ChatGPT quietly slipped into global conversations with its human-like responses to text queries. By January 2023, more than 100 million users were interacting with the novel chatbot powered by artificial intelligence (AI). In February, an AI-powered Microsoft chatbot told a tech journalist to leave his wife: “You’re married, but you love me.” Now, four months after OpenAI first introduced ChatGPT to the public, AI scholars and tech experts including Pierre Baldi, a Distinguished Professor of computer science in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences, have published an open letter, calling for a pause in AI experiments.

Google Workspace Announcement

Google has announced the end of unlimited storage for Google Workspace. Effective July 1st, 2024, UCI’s unlimited storage will end. UCI’s Office of Information Technology will be rolling out a new tiered model to manage storage and costs going forward. OIT’s objective is to offer our campus community secure and cost-effective solutions for storing and preserving your data, all while maintaining your ability to work productively in service of the University’s teaching, research, and public service missions.

What Will Change?

  • Account Limits: Every Google account will be placed into a storage tier. There will be options for those who require and qualify for a higher level of storage.

  • Shared Drive Limits: Existing shared drives will also be placed into predefined storage tiers. The ability to create new shared drives will be available upon request if certain conditions are met.

  • Account management: We will delete unlicensed accounts that are inactive for more than 180 days. Faculty, students, and staff are licensed users and will not be subject to account deletion for inactivity.

Storage tiers will be rolled out in phases throughout 2023, giving each group ample time to plan accordingly for the changes after being notified. Additional information regarding this project, FAQs, suggestions for freeing up storage and more can be found on the project page.


How to Make Money
Tuesday, 5 p.m. (sponsored by Paul Merage School of Business)

2023 Community Lecture Series | Low Vision
Tuesday, 7 p.m. (sponsored by Gavin Herbert Eye Institute)

Visit today.uci.edu to see and submit event listings. Events of general interest will be shared in UCI Digest two days before they occur.


The politics of grapes: A Cesar Chávez Day reflection

Salvador Zárate, an assistant professor of anthropology

Americans of a certain age will remember a question that people often asked themselves in decades past: Should I buy a grape? This seemingly prosaic shopping dilemma has its origins in events that took place in California’s Central Valley in the mid-1960s, when farm workers led by United Farm Workers founder and organizer Cesar Chávez were on strike battling wage discrimination and exploitative working conditions in the fields. Boycotting their employers, they also urged the average citizen to stop buying grapes at the grocery store. In a recent essay commemorating Cesar Chávez Day, Salvador Zárate, an assistant professor of anthropology, looks back at this epic labor struggle.

#UCIconnected spotlights student, alumni, faculty and staff photos, essays, shoutouts, hobbies, artwork, unusual office decorations, activities and more. Send submissions via email or post on social media with the #UCIconnected hashtag.


Note: Some news sites require subscriptions to read articles. The UCI Libraries offer free subscriptions to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Orange County Register and The Washington Post for students, faculty and staff.
Yahoo! life logo

Spring allergies vs. COVID-19: What you should know

Yahoo Life, April 7
Cited: Dr. Shruti Gohil, assistant professor of infectious diseases

Los Angeles Times logo

Opinion: Catastrophic floods and breached levees reveal a problem California too often neglects

Los Angeles Times, April 7
Author: Brett Sanders, professor of civil and environmental engineering

Healthline logo

Going to Bed Just 34 Minutes Later Than Normal Can Impact Your Hypertension Risk

Healthline, April 3
Cited: Karen D. Lincoln, professor of environmental and occupational health


Upload your vaccine and booster records

Employee Upload button
Student Upload button

Daily COVID-19 symptom check

By coming to campus each day, students and employees are attesting they are free of COVID-19 symptoms and are not COVID-19 positive. If you currently have symptoms of COVID-19 or recently tested positive, do not come to campus, or if you currently live on campus stay in your residence, and follow instructions for reporting your case or assessing symptoms on the UCI Forward page. Close contacts to a COVID-19 case are not required to stay home or quarantine, but should follow guidance for close contact instructions for masking and testing on the UCI Forward page.

Potential workplace exposure

UCI provides this notification of a potential workplace COVID-19 exposure. Employees and subcontractors who were in these locations on the dates listed may have been exposed to the coronavirus. You may be entitled to various benefits under applicable federal and state laws and University-specific policies and agreements. The full notification is available on the UCI Forward site. If you have been identified as a close contact to a COVID-19 case, the UCI Contact Tracing Program will contact you and provide additional direction.

UCI Forward – information on campus status and operational updates

UCI Health COVID-19 Updates – important information related to UCI Health

Contact Tracing and Vaccine Navigation Services – assistance with COVID questions including vaccines and vaccine uploads or to report a case, available at contacttracing@uci.edu or 949-824-2300

Employee Experience Center – employee information on COVID benefits

For questions specific to your personal health situation, please contact your doctor or healthcare provider.

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University of California, Irvine
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