#IamUCI: Alyx Bogus, J.D. ’23
Growing up in Oceanside, Alyx Bogus was “really into musical theater,” she says. “I always really loved literature, theater and the creative arts. This background ... led to my interest in copyright and trademark law.” After graduation, she plans to pursue a practice in intellectual property protections. “There’s a serious need for reevaluation and revision of the Copyright Act,” Bogus says. “It was passed almost 50 years ago and simply isn’t properly tailored to address the internet and the way culture has changed. My goal will be to help support creators and artists as they navigate the law as it is now and, hopefully, also advocate for change.”
#IamUCI: Hinesh Patel, M.D./Ph.D. ’23, Medical Scientist Training Program
In almost 10 years as an Anteater, Hinesh Patel has experienced both highs and lows, including a nine-month backpacking tour around the world, a spinal cord injury that required an eight-month medical leave, and getting married. Patel plans to pursue a career in radiology, using his training in biomedical engineering to develop new imaging approaches. “He’s in a unique position to accomplish this because of his extensive experience in developing imaging technology using artificial intelligence,” says Dr. Al Goldin. “In addition, he’s one of the most highly motivated and resilient individuals I know, with enough ‘grit’ to succeed in any endeavor.”
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