Aug. 17, 2023
UCI Digest
Anteater Time Machine: A campus tour trolley rolls through UCI in 1994.
Anteater Time Machine: A campus tour trolley rolls through UCI in 1994.


Summer library resources

UCI Libraries resources continue to be available for students, staff and faculty on and off campus. Workshops, ebooks, video streaming, news and research help, along with a curated collection of reads, are among the summer resources.
UCI Libraries resources continue to be available for students, staff and faculty on and off campus. Workshops, ebooks, video streaming, news and research help, along with a curated collection of reads, are among the summer resources.

Making the most of your time off

Sarah Pressman, a professor of psychological science
Vacations and the anticipation of a trip have psychological and physical benefits, studies show, so how can people make the most of their time away from work? Sarah Pressman, a professor of psychological science, offers some tips.


‘A student affairs administrator and a police officer walk into a bar ... ’
SpeechMatters, the podcast of the University of California National Center for Free Speech and Civic Engagement, has released its newest episode – "A Student Affairs Administrator and a Police Officer Walk Into a Bar ... " – which addresses research and curriculum related to speech, campus law enforcement and student affairs administrators that impact protest and free speech policies on campus.


UCI staffer Sheri Ledbetter received this letter from a fifth-grader asking about the Anteater campus. If this student ends up attending UCI as a freshman, it would be in the fall of 2031.

UCI staffer Sheri Ledbetter received this letter from a fifth-grader asking about the Anteater campus. If this student ends up attending UCI as a freshman, it would be in the fall of 2031. If you’re reading today’s Digest on your phone or otherwise can’t view the photo, here’s what the letter said:

My name is (redacted) and I am currently a fifth grader at (redacted) Elementary in [redacted] CA. My teacher suggests we start planning our university path goals now as she demands we attend in the future. I am writing to your university because UC Irvine seems like a cool place and this university focuses on my interests (what interest specifically?). Also, getting into this university would make my family proud. Please let me know what I need to do to get into your university in the future. Also, if possible, please send some merchandise as motivation. Thank you for your time.

#UCIconnected spotlights student, alumni, faculty and staff photos, essays, shoutouts, hobbies, artwork, unusual office decorations, activities and more. Send submissions via email or post on social media with the #UCIconnected hashtag.


Note: Some news sites require subscriptions to read articles. The UCI Libraries offer free subscriptions to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Orange County Register and The Washington Post for students, faculty and staff.
Science News Explores logo

Stem cells can help build lab-grown organs that mimic real life

Science News Explores, Aug. 16
Cited: Quinton Smith, assistant professor of chemical and biomolecular engineering

Healthline logo

Researchers Use 'Mini-Brains' to Look for Origin of Autism

Healthline, Aug. 14, 2023
Cited: Dr. Peter Chung, associate clinical professor of pediatrics

San Francisco Chronicle logo

She was arrested outside S.F.’s Mid-Market Whole Foods a week before it closed. Here’s what happened next

San Francisco Chronicle, Aug. 14
Cited: Charis Kubrin, professor of criminology, law and society

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