Aloe blooms attract bees in Aldrich Park. (Photo: Steve Zylius/UCI)
2023 marked another year of growth, student achievement, new partnerships and initiatives such as the Year of Free Speech. The Year in Review looks back at some of the memorable stories that came out of UCI in 2023.
Political scientists review 2023 and discuss future
In the first installment of their Trending Topics series, UCI political scientists offer insight on some of the year's hot topics – inflation, activism, global conflict, Donald Trump, party politics, reproductive rights and more – while looking ahead to what's in store for 2024. The roundtable’s scholars include (above) Matthew Beckmann, Graeme Boushey, Jordie Davies, Louis DeSipio, Marek Kaminski, Mary McThomas, Shawn Rosenberg, Tony Smith and Michael Tesler.
ZotALERT registration updates
On Wednesday, UCI will update the registration process to receive zotALERT emergency notifications. ZotALERT uses cell phone text messaging to send safety information to the UCI community. It’s one of several emergency communication modes used at UCI. The new process aims to optimize UCI’s mass warning and notification system. If you are currently receiving zotALERT text messages, no action is required. If you aren’t receiving zotALERT messages and have a text-enabled phone, you can create a profile. For additional information on the zotALERT system, review the FAQ Sheet.
President Drake’s year-in-review message
UC President Michael Drake distributed a short 2023 Year-in-Review video celebrating the university system’s collective accomplishments. “Thank you for all that you do,” Drake said in a message accompanying the video. “I wish you and your loved ones a bright and healthy New Year!”
One-Pot Meals
Wednesday, 5 p.m. (sponsored by Susan Samueli Integrative Health Institute)
Visit today.uci.edu to see and submit event listings. Events of general interest will be shared in UCI Digest two days before they occur.
Scholarship enables student to attend Florida event
Shalini Bhakta is furthering her passion for information and computer sciences – by traveling from one Orange County to another. The third-year informatics major flew to Orlando, Florida, in September for the Grace Hopper Celebration, a conference and job fair for women in the computing industry. At UCI, Bhakta joined the Society of Women Engineers and Women in Information and Computer Sciences (she’s marketing chair for the latter). Bhakta says organizations such as WICS have shown her that people will support each other regardless of experience level. “No matter your gender, you have to be very headstrong,” Bhakta says. “[ICS] is going to be difficult and consume your time, but in the end, it’s worth it – especially if you make friends in your classes and clubs.”
#UCIconnected spotlights student, alumni, faculty and staff photos, essays, shoutouts, hobbies, artwork, unusual office decorations, activities and more. Send submissions via email or post on social media with the #UCIconnected hashtag.
Note: Some news sites require subscriptions to read articles. The UCI Libraries offer free subscriptions to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Orange County Register and The Washington Post for students, faculty and staff.
The Wall Street Journal, Dec. 16
Author: Jeffrey Wasserstrom, Chancellor’s Professor of history
Rolling Stone, Dec. 17
Cited: Mark Mapstone and Mark Fisher, professors of neurology
PBS Newshour, Dec. 15
Cited: David S. Meyer, professor of sociology and political science