June 17, 2024
Pink trumpet trees bloom in Aldrich Park.
Pink trumpet trees bloom in Aldrich Park. (Photo: Steve Zylius/UC Irvine)


Biological sciences receives $50 million donation

Charlie Dunlop on stage at commencement
At its commencement ceremony Saturday, the School of Biological Sciences announced a  $50 million donation from Orange County biotech entrepreneur and scientist Charlie Dunlop, who was its commencement speaker. The gift will create an endowed fund that will provide unrestricted support for academic and research activities within the school. “This gift supports UC Irvine’s belief that human and environmental health are integrated and that well-being requires an evidence-based approach that engages all disciplines in the School of Biological Sciences,” said Chancellor Howard Gillman. “Charlie Dunlop’s dedication to this vision and his deep generosity will help UC Irvine set a standard that other biology programs in the U.S. can follow.” With the gift, the school has been renamed the Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences.

Study reveals complexity of emotional coping and health

Michael Hoyt pictured in inset
A systematic review of dozens of studies from the past three decades has revealed new insight into how emotional coping can impact human health. Michael Hoyt, a professor of population health and disease prevention, and others found that coping with stress through emotional approaches can have nuanced effects on health, with general benefits for physical and psychological well-being. But potential drawbacks in certain psychological domains also remain. The study highlights the need for further research to understand the mechanisms and contexts that influence these outcomes.

Data shows difficulties in overcoming weight loss “plateau”

Matthew Landry, PhD, RDN, assistant professor of population health and disease prevention
According to 2017–18 data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 42% of adult Americans are considered obese and at higher risk for many chronic diseases. Research shows that adults who eat a healthy low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet for six months initially experience rapid weight loss but eventually hit a seemingly insurmountable poundage plateau. A new study suggests that interventions that weave in cognitive and emotional strategies can be effective, as they largely influence weight-management success. Together, researchers and clinicians must continue to work together to discover new ways to promote longer-term dietary adherence and maintenance of weight loss. 


Recent grad trades softball for a hardball legal career

Briana Solis ‘24

First-generation college student Briana Solis ‘24 graduated summa cum laude with a nearly perfect G.P.A. Although the political science major received softball scholarship offers from other universities, she chose UC Irvine for its strong academics. Before applying to law school, she plans to continue working full-time at a law firm to gain experience and to pay down her student loans. She hopes to become a lawyer specializing in civil rights law and ultimately a judge. “Making lifelong connections has been priceless to me,” said Solis of her UC Irvine experience. “Not only have I found friends that have similar drive and values, but they also have my best interest in mind. I know that I’ll know them for the rest of my life.”

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The Orange County Register logo

UC Irvine renames School of Biological Sciences after $50 million from the biotech entrepreneur

The Orange County Register, June 15
Cited: Charlie Dunlop School of Biological Sciences

The Atlantic logo

A Generation of AI Guinea Pigs

The Atlantic, June 15
Cited: Mizuko Ito, professor of informatics

Verywell Health logo

Is It Safe to Drink Tap Water in a Hotel?

Verywell Health, June 13
Cited: Scott Bartell, professor of environmental and occupational health

Note: Some news sites require subscriptions to read articles. UCI Libraries offers free subscriptions to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Orange County Register and The Washington Post for students, faculty and staff.
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