June 18, 2024
Pink trumpet trees bloom in Aldrich Park.
Jacaranda trees provide a purple palette in Aldrich Park. (Photo: Steve Zylius/UC Irvine)


Chancellor Gillman outlines ‘Year of Scholarly Values’

On Monday, Chancellor Howard Gillman released a statement declaring the 2024-25 academic year to be the Year of Scholarly Values. “Acknowledging the pivotal importance of academic excellence and integrity to the university's mission, I invite all members of the campus community to engage in discussions during the 2024-25 academic year about the essential role that scholarly values must play in knowledge discovery and dissemination across our various and diverse disciplines,” Gillman said. “These discussions are central to our foundational goals, and I extend my gratitude in advance for your active participation in these crucial conversations and activities.”

UCI Podcast: The history of gay bars in America

UCI Podcast: The history of gay bars in America
Every June, the U.S. celebrates Pride Month, commemorating the 1969 uprising at the Stonewall Inn that inspired a global movement toward LGBTQ+ equality. The rich history of gay bars leading up to and since the Stonewall Riots is thoroughly explored in The Bars Are Ours: Histories and Cultures of Gay Bars in America, 1960 and After, written by Lucas Hilderbrand, a professor and chair of film and media studies. In this episode of the UCI Podcast, Hilderbrand shares how these bars are powerful community cornerstones; what he learned on his extensive research journey examining archival accounts in all corners of the U.S.; and why he chose to inform this unique history with anecdotes, stories and even musical references.

How two national tragedies influenced a scholar’s groundbreaking work

Roxane Cohen Silver, a Distinguished Professor of psychological science, medicine and public health
Roxane Cohen Silver, a Distinguished Professor of psychological science, medicine and public health, is a nationally-recognized expert on trauma who recently was elected to the elite American Academy of Arts & Sciences. And it was two tragedies – the Columbine High School shooting in 1999 and the 9/11 terrorist attacks – that transformed her career. “It was the first time we recognized that an event in one part of the nation could traumatize people elsewhere,” Silver said, adding that now, the constant drumbeat of “wars, political polarization and election anxiety” are keeping her busier than ever.
UC Irvine campus will be closed on Wednesday, June 19 in observance of Juneteenth.


19-year-old senior studies Afghan refugee healthcare experience

Safa Hamid

At 19 years old, Safa Hamid received her bachelor’s degree in psychology during last week’s commencement ceremonies, and for her senior honors thesis, Hamid wrote about Afghan refugee women and the barriers they experience when trying to access healthcare. (Her family emigrated from Afghanistan when she was four years old). After graduating cum laude, she's ready for a break. "This is going to be my first time I've ever taken a summer off!,” Hamid said. Although she's undecided about her career, she's certain about her passion for working with underserved communities and intends to go to graduate school.

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The New York Times logo

Can You Pass the Spice-Drawer Smell Test?

The New York Times, June 18
Cited: Michael Leon, professor emeritus of neurobiology & behavior

The Washington Post logo

What research actually says about social media and kids’ health

The Washington Post, June 17
Cited: Candice L. Odgers, professor of psychological science and informatics

Los Angeles Times logo

IOC faces challenges as it moves to add Olympic esports without any violence

Los Angeles Times, June 17
Cited: Mark Deppe, esports director

Note: Some news sites require subscriptions to read articles. UCI Libraries offers free subscriptions to The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Orange County Register and The Washington Post for students, faculty and staff.
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