Brand Identity on Social Media

It’s important that all official UCI-affiliated social media channels appear unified – it provides an official quality to our channels and gives authority and professionalism to your accounts. Please refer to UCI Brand Guidelines for an overview. 

Response Guide and Crisis Communications

It is important that any information you post or respond to has all the correct facts and information. Try and direct questions to the appropriate channels to which the question is referring. For example, if someone has a question about applying to UCI, please respond with the appropriate contact information for UCI Admissions. 

Tone of Voice

Keep it conversational and informative. Aim to uplift with content and stories that demonstrate UCI’s leadership in teaching and learning, research and health innovation. Anteaters are bold, quirky and always ahead of the curve. 


Everyone has the first amendment right to speech; even hate speech is protected by the constitution. However, there will be times when you may need to take action on a particular post. The UC system has a code of conduct, and we reserve the right to block or delete any content that violates it. 

Posts that fall into the following categories may be removed or hidden:

  • Personal attacks and abusive language 
  • Content that others might find offensive or threatening, including profanity.
  • Racism, sexism, homophobia or other forms of hate-speech. 
  • Content that puts the university in legal jeopardy, such as potentially libelous or defamatory postings, or material posted in potential breach of copyright.
  • Posts that are obviously commercial or otherwise spam-like 
  • Post that contain personal contact information like phone numbers or addresses 

Crisis Communications

Do not post any crisis-related communications outside of official messages from the UCI Emergency Management Division and UCI Strategic Communications & Public Affairs.